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Do you ever get the impression that time moves quicker than
it used it to do when you were younger? Like me, do you find yourself playing catch up almost every morning prior to work wondering, “Seriously, 6:36!!! Seriously?!! Kwani, where
did those 23 minutes go?” If it would have been possible, the DPP would have had time arrested to nobody's regret. It can't be just me who feels a minute is way too short for a minute. It can't. Time has been short-changing us and robbing us blind. 'Awekwe ndani!"
You'll excuse my mini-rant. I think that amounts to hate speech. You know these days bloggers can be put in for such. Let me be careful with my mouth. I can't get a little bit over-zealous sometimes. I'm good now. Anyway, time isn't all that bad. Come to think of it, time can be very
philanthropic if you know what I mean.
Time seems to amble away safe in the knowledge that we are
unable to do anything about it. During a normal day's work, the
minutes just crawl and lethargically slither away as if they have nothing better to do. When the clock finally does hit the 4 or 5 pm mark, spasms of
joy mingled with relief well in our hearts. Our once sullen countenance brightens up with a new
lease of life. There’s a buoyancy, a joie de vivre, an irrepressible giddiness within us that just brims over. It makes us capable of doing a couple of
those Fortnite dance moves Antoine Griezmann, Lingard and Pogba like so much. We
become truly alive and rearing to go, but not for more work. The office exit
door assumes an irresistible allure and rarely do we need a second invitation to go through. Out of the door we trot, to cap off a day’s work.
My enthusiasm at that time of day tapers off the moment I
near the Westlands terminus. You see almost every evening I have had to put up with
the harrowing experience of boarding a 48 from Westlands to go home. Let me
tell you, it is not one for the faint-hearted.
With horror, I have watched as men and women, scramble to
board a 48. The pushing and shoving is nothing short of vicious. This is the
true embodiment of survival of the fittest. This is your
rugby scrum, your Tekken, Mortal Kombat, your tag of war, your Christmas-eve shopping commotion rolled in
one. Only the strongest survive, the weak are mercilessly shoved aside. In that melee of melees, loss is inevitable.
You can lose your one-pack, you can lose your love handles, you can lose your
flabby arm fat, you can lose your weave and just about anything.
What confounds me is that just a few meters away, another 48
mat plying a different route lies in wait but totally devoid of the chaotic
scenes depicted above. People queue to get in, in a civilized, non-rushed and
tranquil manner. None of that world-war 3, WWF royal rumble stuff of the mats I use to go home. The touts
don’t tolerate anybody jumping the queue. They enforce discipline unlike their
other 48 counter parts who have watched amusedly as people like myself go through near-death
experiences before entering the promised land or suffer the pain of being shoved aside to wait yet again. To my surprise, yesterday, they actually did follow the lead of their orderly 48 counterparts and had us queue. My hope is this will be a permanent move to spare us from further crimes against humanity.
Contrasting experiences yield the same result though, eventually
everyone will board a matatu and reach their destination. One group of people
are forced to go to hell and back even before they go home. Whereas for another group, its a peaceful stroll into a PSV before inevitably arriving home
I think sometimes a misleading fear we have is that there’s
not enough for everyone so we have to grab and hoard whatever we can lay our
hands on for fear there will not be enough for us. I reckon that’s the fear
that drives people to act so desperately to board a matatu. Unfortunately, this fear isn't just limited to those boarding matatus.
The fear of merit-based promotions not being enough can
drive people to sabotage the efforts of their own workmates and shoot their
organization in the foot. There’s the scarcity mentality that convinces scores
of people that opportunities to earn income are not enough so they must consign
themselves to a life of drudgery, slaving away at dead-end jobs that give them
no fulfillment and whose sole motivating factor is a pay check at the end of the
month. That or gambling in the hope they will get a quick buck or reap an unprecedented fortune.
That similar fear rears it's ugly head in buffets, compelling some diners to erect mountains of food on their plates with scant
consideration for those behind them. Consequence being those after them receive meagre potions or none at all when food would have been sufficient for all if those in front hadn't proceeded to hoard it.
It appears this same fear is prevalent among the youth who believe that post 30/40 will be
a long, pitiful, boredom-fest to the grave so you might as well party and travel while you can because opportunities for fun will be few and far in
the sunset years of your life and those preceding that. It's fear that also has young men and women struggling to commit to relationships instead choosing to keep their options open whether through casual flings or through sponsors.
Speaking of relationships, a fear that there is no suitable significant
other or friend for one has led many to settle
for way way less than they should. Today this fear has caused us to settle for the situationships with benefits and the expensive price that come with it, be it moral compromise, over-controlling partners or even physically abusive ones. Fear has led us to settle for the all-validating primarily through social media but next to nothing in rebuking when wayward behaviour demands it. It has led us to settle for the relationships big on presence during the fun good times but equally big on absence in the bad times. Relationships which are at best parodies of what relationships and friendships ought to be. It's a similar fear that struggles to let go when these relationships don't happen as we would wish. It takes to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp to subtly stalk the ‘ones that got away.’
This list couldn’t be complete with what this fear has done
to us as a nation. Our country has borne the brunt of this mind-set, losing
untold billions as a result and that’s just a conservative estimate. People have taken
to gorging the national or county coffers the moment they set foot in public
office. The mentality is that this is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to eat or risk 'starving' because someone else will capitalize on the opportunity you wouldn't. It has become the norm to feast on public funds or that 'kakitu' such that
anybody who opts for integrity over this aggrandizement is considered a fool. The means justifies the
end we believe. The end may be enrichment for some, but at a great cost to
others and the nation.
The passengers who queue to board their matatus do not show
fear but trust. Trust that they will eventually get a matatu. Trust that they
don’t have to push to get it. Trust that they will be order when they queue to
get one. It is a similar trust in God and his sovereignty that we have to
display in order to avoid the pitfalls of this fear or scarcity mentality. It is a trust
we really have to ask God to help us have, because despite his all-loving and
all-powerful and all-sovereign nature, trusting him is a struggle we are all
too familiar with.
In Genesis 13, we are told of tension arising between Abram and
Lot because the land they lived on could not support them both. Despite
Abram being the senior, he gave Lot the opportunity to choose which portion of land he would settle with. Lot chose the land that looked the more fertile. Abram meekly allowed him to follow through on his
choice and God vindicated Abram afterwards by promising to give Abram and his descendants even larger tracts of land. By meekly
letting Lot go first, Abram trusted God’s abundance regardless of it appearing Lot got the lion's share while
he, the lesser of the spoils.
It’s unfortunate that today we live at a time where Abram’s
meekness would be viewed as a door-mat mentality. Abram would have been viewed
as weak and subservient for letting Lot getting the better of him like that. There is a certain inevitability about God’s will that
even if men or women colluded to the contrary, God’s will would still come into
effect. Believing that, may lead one making ‘door-mat decisions’ as Abram did,
but is it really a door-mat decision when you trust God’s word or promise to come through
when it has never failed to do so?
Abraham’s abundance mentality was proved even further when God
asked him to sacrifice his son. Despite the overwhelming odds of not having
another child with Sarah, Abraham believed God could give him a son somehow.
That wasn’t a ‘not-enough’ mindset. It was an out-of-the box mindset that was
consolidated in the belief that God was sovereign and powerful to do what he
promised regardless of apparent limiting factors.
Abraham’s mindset, or faith, whichever way you look at it,
is increasingly rare in this post-modern world. Being rational, has made us skeptical of God’s sovereignty. It has instead led us to believe we have to
take matters in our own hands or pragmatically apply well known mantras or
When caught on the wrong side of the law, we don’t trust God
to mercifully take us out or give us enormous amounts of grace to face the
remand-cell or the courts. Instead, we fear it wont be enough so we opt for the bribe. When applying for a vacancy, we
don’t trust God’s sovereignty to give us the job when we follow due process, instead our first
thought is, “Who do I know at this organization? ” We conveniently forget that
God has limitless control over the factors we don’t. He has sovereign power to
overrule the factors that are beyond us, those very same factors that make us
take matters in our own hands.
He has control over the cop who stopped you just like he had
control on Pharaoh when Moses came calling or on the King when Nehemiah asked
for permission to rebuild the wall. He has control over your future love just the way he had control over Rebekah when Abraham's servant came calling.
He has sovereign control over the tender or application process just as he
had control over the battles Joshua and co. had to face. Battles whose victories he secured long before Joshua, Hezekiah and co. had even stepped on the battlefield.
He has control
over the weather just like he showed when he made the sun stand still at Joshua's request. He has control over the elements as the Israelites
twice discovered when God parted the Red Sea and the Jordan to make ways where there were
none. Balaam saw that God had control over animals when he spoke through a donkey, so too did Daniel and King
Darius when God shut the lions’ mouths, so did Elijah when ravens fed him after fleeing Jezebel. God has such a grip on things that the devil and spirits have to ask for permission to effect destruction.(2 Chronicles 18, Job 1)
When we consider the above, we realize God has a stupendous wealth of options from which to exercise his sovereignty. Quite frankly it's ridiculous. He can do just about anything in so far as it aligns with his will. Like the man with the demonic son, we struggle with unbelief
that he has these options and we need to ask God to help us overcome it. Rather than having a scarcity mentality
that is reminiscent of Andrew when he asked, “Here is a boy with five small
barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9 NLT) We
ought to give him the little we have and maybe pray, “Here God, two diplomas, 5 casual jobs not related to the position I’m applying for, for your glory and my faith in you, please, surprise me.”
We have to ask God to make us realize his sovereignty like
Daniel did when he said, “He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of
the earth. No-one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?”(Daniel
4:35) Like Abram we have to face the limitations, age-wise, experience-wise and
still possess that abundance mentality and trust that He can still bring his
will to fruition no matter what because he is God.
It takes an experience or two or three of God’s stupefying power
or providence to make us trust him. It takes a prerequisite leap of faith to
allow ourselves to go through these experiences of God’s stupefying power. It takes poring over his word chapter by chapter to see numerous examples of God's sovereignty that give us faith to allow ourselves to go through these experiences. It also takes being in community with other believers such as in a small group so as to hear testimonies of his grace and providence. Quite obviously, it also takes a turning away from the scarcity
mentality or fear that deceives us and a willingness to be still and know he is God. A turning away, which may not be so easy. Trust me I know, but it is a turning away that is possible because through Jesus' death on the cross, God extends his gift of grace towards us to make this turnaround from fear to trust more than a possibility.
It takes a willingness to walk 7 times around our own
versions of the wall of Jericho in silence. It may mean carrying 5 stones and
forsaking the armor everyone is telling you will need for your giant. We may
get flack for our actions, we may be the butt of jokes and subject of mocking
memes depicting us as weird or naive. Nonetheless, it isn’t naïve to trust the God
who built this earth and for millennia has kept it going. Nor is it weird to
think if he promised to work all things for our good, for those who love him,
then he can fulfill his plan irrespective of our perceived limiting factors.
God isn't called 'The Sovereign Lord' for nothing. That title is one he merits without question. He has proved it so many times . I know it's easy to fall to the tendency of fear because I've done it plenty of times. It's easy to think he is not in sovereign control when evil runs amok and pain abounds. I recall Francis Chan once said, "if life were stable I'd never need God's help." God's confounding wisdom is to allow instability so that we can need his help and see his sovereign hand at work. Confused? Struggling to understand how this is possible? Don't blame you. I've been there. Reading through scripture and having scripture revealed to me made more sense and it will for you if you ask God. Stick to believing rather than fearing. Stick to trusting. It's worked for me. The sooner we believe it, the more he'll prove he is sovereign and the less we will have to fear there not being enough and doing things far worse than scrambling to board a matatu.