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Movies are a favourite pastime for most. What puzzles me though is some people’s preferences. How do guys like horrors? It is beyond me. How do you get entertained watching people being sawed in half or decapitated or being hacked to death by some axe-wielding villain? I just don't get it.Perhaps it is the thrill of being on the edge of your seat? Maybe it's figuring out the mystery identity of the killer? It's a real puzzle for me but when you consider the guy writing this is the only guy on the planet comfortable with eating a boiled egg without salt then I guess I can't complain much about movie tastes, can I?
Another genre that seems popular is this end-of-the-world
theme. Despite the fact that most of the 'global' destruction on the screen will take place in the States; in fact just New York, these
movies make you reflect a lot about disaster preparedness. It’s easy to gaze at the screen and be slightly unmoved towards the world’s annihilation but what if it happens in real life?
That is a scenario that seems to be drawing ever closer by the day. Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Revelation don’t seem as far off as when I was a kid. Some features of those texts are being lived out today. People are becoming lovers of themselves with Social media being a major catalyst. Wars and conflicts abound worldwide. Gay marriages have been legalized in all states in the USA. The effects of global warming are slowly beginning to catch up with us as environmentalists raise the red flag.
The world is slowly losing the plot. It's a horror and end-of-the world story rolled up in one . We don’t need someone
sharing on a bus about a chip that the end is soon. When the world is at its
worst, the church needs to be at its best. Unfortunately the ostrich route of burying our
heads in the sands has been taken. We care less that the word is perishing, that a terrifying
eternity in hell awaits those who reject Jesus and have retreated to our comfort zones of just living life moderately, none of this salt of the earth or light of the world stuff.
Worldly approval has been the major undoing. In being too eager to blend
in, we no longer stand out. The other extreme has also been true. Too
often Christians have been too judgmental or hyper-critical. Like Lecrae once
rapped, instead of Christians being known to love, they have been known to love
judging others. This is made worse when many are caught by the wayside, failing
to practice what they preach. The result has been that Christians have ceased being
the reference point that would have people yearning for Christ. Adding insult
to injury, too often Christians have been known for what they stand against rather
than who they stand for and have thus been deemed haters.
Does that mean we should be silent, we should say nothing?
Do nothing? No, change has to happen and fast!!! A wedding is on the horizon,
as Christ, the dashing bridegroom is coming for his bride the church. We the bride, are to make ourselves beautiful in
eager anticipation of his arrival.
It’s isn't you average wedding given the arrival of the groom
will not be ushered with isikuti beats but by a world on its knees. No matter,
it is the grandest of all weddings and like any bride we are to prepare ourselves meticulously for that special day.
For starters, it is essential to go back to the basics and do
the things of old. Globalization may seem to make the world one happy village
but the contrary seems to be taking place. The love of many has indeed grown
cold. Christians haven’t represented Christ well and not too many are for him
as a result. Fellowship needs to be enhanced. The early church were known for
their close-knit bonds, the outpouring of love because of the fellowship they shared. They constantly met in homes, shared and studied God’s word and prayed for each
other and encouraged each other.
It was no wonder that there number was able to grow even
despite persecution. Their fellowship stood the test of time. A similar approach must be used if we are to
be the church Christ intended us to be when he sent his Holy Spirit. A bond of
1 is easily broken as opposed to a bond of 3 or more, so it is with small group
fellowships. The Christian life is not lived alone but in community.The strength that Christians amass from fellowships makes it easier for them to fight temptation, worldly influences or opposition.
Hebrews 10:25 comes to mind, don’t give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but let us
encourage one other and all the more as you see the day approaching. The day of
Christ’s coming is approaching, it's best to be in fellowship till then.
God created us for his glory. He created us to give him
reverence, mention and the plaudits. He also made us stewards or managers of
this earth and everything else in it such as money, talents, and abilities to
use to his benefit. Faithful stewardship of our bodies, our money, our talents
and abilities, the environment will see God get the credit.
There is a tendency to want to live for self these days. Everybody is eager
to guarantee the safety of their future and that of their family. That's well and
good, but what about doing stuff to usher God’s kingdom. 'Your kingdom come'is
the second line of the Lord’s Prayer, closely followed by 'Your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.' Our daily bread is in the prayer alright but not the
number one item we are prone to place it as. I believed Christ saved us that we
may not only have eternal life but develop an intimate relationship involving
service to him and being fruitful with our gifts, resources and abilities. Being fruitful not just in terms of personal
growth but spiritual as well, ushering his kingdom and doing his will. The poem only one life by CT Studd, comes to mind,
Only One Life
By C.T. Studd
Two little lines
I heard one day,
Traveling along
life’s busy way;
conviction to my heart,
And from my mind
would not depart;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Only one life,
yes only one,
Soon will its
fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that
day’ my Lord to meet,
And stand before
His Judgement seat;
Only one
life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Only one life,
the still small voice,
Gently pleads
for a better choice
Bidding me
selfish aims to leave,
And to God’s
holy will to cleave;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Only one life, a
few brief years,
Each with its
burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its
clays I must fulfill,
living for self
or in His will;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
When this bright
world would tempt me sore,
When Satan would
a victory score;
When self would
seek to have its way,
Then help me
Lord with joy to say;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Give me Father,
a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow
Thy word to keep;
Faithful and
true what e’er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in
my daily life;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Oh let my love
with fervor burn,
And from the
world now let me turn;
Living for Thee,
and Thee alone,
Bringing Thee
pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life,
’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Only one life,
yes only one,
Now let me
say,”Thy will be done”;
And when at last
I’ll hear the call,
I know I’ll say
“twas worth it all”;
Only one
life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done
for Christ will last.
Only one life we have, let’s make every effort to make God known
whether in work, school, family. When we live for God, and truly give him
everything, does he reveal himself more to us. By being a faithful steward, we
embolden the spirit of God within us. Christ said that doing the will of God
was food for him; likewise our spirit will be well nourished when we live for
him. An overfed spirit from witnessing, praying and fasting is ridiculously strong enough to overpower the supposedly strong desires of the flesh
like greed, lust, hate and break free from other strong holds like addictions, power struggles and so many others.
A strong spirit is powerful, a malnourished flesh empowers your spirit even more. The natural sinful inclinations of the flesh need to be starved as well. Struggle with sexual purity, starve the flesh of sex on the screen or internet,and the lustful pictures on magazines or any other medium. You will have to actively fight that urge to take that second lingering look or get intimate on a daily basis. Struggle with bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, vengeance to prove somebody wrong, a lot of music, series and movies you may watch and listen to focus on those very themes and remain embedded in your mind till they become truth or a way of life. Starve the heart of those struggles by regulating what you watch, who and what you listen to. Love God with your eyes and your seeing, with your lips and your speaking, with your mind and understanding and with your heart and your thinking. It may seem hard to deny the body what it wants but it was harder for God to chose to die for a world he didn't have to, so as to free it from those very same struggles. It's a struggle, I know, but God didn't render us helpless, he gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit who we can lean to during the struggle and rely on to help us conquer the flesh.
A strong spirit is powerful, a malnourished flesh empowers your spirit even more. The natural sinful inclinations of the flesh need to be starved as well. Struggle with sexual purity, starve the flesh of sex on the screen or internet,and the lustful pictures on magazines or any other medium. You will have to actively fight that urge to take that second lingering look or get intimate on a daily basis. Struggle with bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, vengeance to prove somebody wrong, a lot of music, series and movies you may watch and listen to focus on those very themes and remain embedded in your mind till they become truth or a way of life. Starve the heart of those struggles by regulating what you watch, who and what you listen to. Love God with your eyes and your seeing, with your lips and your speaking, with your mind and understanding and with your heart and your thinking. It may seem hard to deny the body what it wants but it was harder for God to chose to die for a world he didn't have to, so as to free it from those very same struggles. It's a struggle, I know, but God didn't render us helpless, he gave us a helper, the Holy Spirit who we can lean to during the struggle and rely on to help us conquer the flesh.
A spirit so well nourished will ensure that the choking you get when you
are faced with an opportunity to share the gospel will gradually diminish. No
matter the person, you will be able to find ways to effectively communicate the
love of God irrespective of where God has placed you. We will be the light of the world shining to Christ
and the salt of the earth, praised for our good deeds but most importantly, be
the change the world needs and hence long for Jesus.
Sure persecution is coming. We will be placed in the
peculiar position of being hated for doing what’s right but remember the
bridegroom. Remember who he is, the one through whom the earth was created, who
lovingly made the sacrifice to ensure you had the second chance. He didn’t bow
down on one knee to propose, he had his arms outstretched, nailed to a cross,
giving all of himself. The days tick away to his coming, tribulation may
precede it but what a celebration it will be when he comes. He longs for many
to be with him. 2 Peter 3:8-9 says so, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years
and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.
The wheels of change are in full motion, and darkness may have insidiously spread to the point of brazenly mocking our steadfast beliefs and practices based on God's word. This is the time for light to stand up and be counted, for love and faith to burst out and come forth. As Peter urged us to do in 2 Peter 3: 11, 14- live holy and godly lives, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Out of love for his sacrifice we are to share this life with others. Don’t just keep the faith, live it, practice it and spread it all around that more may be among those fortunate to be his bride on that glorious day.
The wheels of change are in full motion, and darkness may have insidiously spread to the point of brazenly mocking our steadfast beliefs and practices based on God's word. This is the time for light to stand up and be counted, for love and faith to burst out and come forth. As Peter urged us to do in 2 Peter 3: 11, 14- live holy and godly lives, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Out of love for his sacrifice we are to share this life with others. Don’t just keep the faith, live it, practice it and spread it all around that more may be among those fortunate to be his bride on that glorious day.
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